Walking Football
Walking Football is a slow-paced version of the beautiful game, if you thought your footballing days were over, then think again!
read the fa's walking football 2024-2028 gameplan here
Walking Football is designed to help people keep an active lifestyle irrespective of their age, as well as getting those back playing football who perhaps had to stop due to injuries.Variations and game adaptations can be made to suit participants’ needs and capabilities. Play the game you love but reduce the chances of injury. It's a great way to keep fit, learn skills, have fun and socialise all at the same time!
Below is a map of the walking football clubs in Somerset along with the contact details for the club secretaries. Contact the club secretaries for the precise training/playing locations as these can vary.
Get In Touch
Aaron Clements
Football Development Officer - Male Participation
01458 832 359 Option 2
07535 664 982
Somerset COunty Walking Football League
The Somerset FA County Walking Football League was formed in March 2018 and currently hosts an Over 50’s league and an Over 60’s League. Teams interested in the league should contact Aaron Clements here at Somerset FA using the details on this page.
You can follow the fixtures and results using the FA's Full Time system, with a link to the leagues below.
Teams interested in the league should contact Aaron Clements here at Somerset FA using the details on this page.