Future Leaders 2024 2

Future Leaders Event 2024

Somerset FA Future Leaders Event 2024

Young football enthusiasts aged 13 to 16 spent the day at Strode College Sports Centre on Sunday, July 7th, for the Somerset Football Association's Future Leaders Event. This day-long initiative aimed to nurture future leaders through a series of targeted workshops.

FL24 Intro 

The event featured four key workshops: Navigating Change, Effective Communication, Overcoming Adversity, and a Consultation session. These sessions were designed by the Somerset FA Youth Council to equip participants with essential skills for both their personal and sporting lives.

The Navigating Change workshop kicked off the day being delivered by Florrie and Freya, offering insights into handling transitions and embracing new challenges, preparing young leaders for an ever-evolving sporting landscape. The focus was on fostering resilience and flexibility through football with attendees having to play a small-sided game using different types and sizes of footballs. 

FL24 Navigating Change

Following this, the Effective Communication session delivered by Alex and Izzy honed the participants' abilities to convey thoughts and ideas clearly. Through doing a session of blind football, the young attendees learned the importance of communication in team dynamics and leadership roles.

FL24 Effective Communication

In the afternoon, the Overcoming Adversity workshop delivered by Briony and Euan, inspired attendees with stories of perseverance and determination. This session focussed on the experiences of Rachel Yankey, Marcus Rashford and Raheem Sterling in terms of the adversities they themselves overcame and inspired the participants into how they can make themselves more inclusive within their football environments. 

FL24 Overcoming Adversity

The day wrapped up with a Consultation Session, where participants had the opportunity to voice their opinions and suggestions regarding youth football in Somerset. This segment allowed the young leaders to engage directly with Somerset FA Staff asking participants 4 questions.

- If we gave you a magic wand with 3 wishes, what would you change about football?
- How do you think coaches and parents could create a positive environment in football?
- Why do you take part in football?
- What do you enjoy most about football? 

FL24 Consultation

"The Future Leaders Event was a fantastic opportunity for young people to develop crucial life skills," said Rebecca Snelling, Somerset Football Association Football Development Officer for Clubs and Leagues. "We're committed to supporting the growth of our future leaders, and today was a great success."

The Future Leaders Event not only imparted knowledge but also fostered a sense of community among the young footballers. Participants left the event feeling empowered and motivated, ready to implement what they had learned both on and off the pitch.

As the event concluded, the participants departed Strode College Sports Centre with newfound confidence and a deeper understanding of leadership. The Somerset Football Association looks forward to continuing its support for these young leaders and witnessing their growth in the years to come.

A big thank you to our Future Mentors Harry, Corey, Tilly and Isaac who helped with the overall running of the day as well as support the leaders within the sessions. 

FL24 Mentors

Also, a huge well done to our Somerset FA Youth Council, Alex Caird, Freya Gudge, Florrie Moreton, Izzy Short, Briony Smith and Euan Robertson who created and developed each of the sessions that the leaders took part in throughout the day. 

FL24 Youth Council

To see what we got up to, check out our Flickr Gallery with all images from the day: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBzpYm