Somerset FA

Apply Now Somerset FA Youth Council

We are delighted to announce that we are now recruiting for the 2016/17 Somerset FA Youth Council.

We are looking to build a team of 12 young people between the ages of 16-24 from across Somerset to represent children and young people and help shape and develop football in this county.

The newly appointed team of young people will build on the success of last year’s team. The structure and roles have changed to reflect the priorities of the group moving forwards. Hoping to have an impact on the children and young people network playing and supporting the game, the Youth Council have a vision of inspiring and empowering all people in football to have a positive impact on and within the game. The Youth Council will aim to achieve this by delivering specific projects including Young Leadership Days, Young Coach Development programme and engaging within grassroots football.

The Somerset FA Youth Council not only looks to develop and represent football within the county, but to also develop its members, professional skills and offer a unique opportunity to be a part of Somerset FA, create and deliver projects and gain support from those already working within the game.

All positions within the Somerset FA Youth Council are voluntary; however we are able to pay expenses to cover part of travel costs to monthly meetings being at Somerset FA HQ, in Glastonbury.

If this sounds like a team you would enjoy being a part of please fill out the below application form and return it to by Thursday June 30th 2016, 12.00pm [midday].


For more information or if you have any questions please contact Sarah Nickless via: or call: 01458 837038


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