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Respect Set Your Stall Out 2015/16

Last year over twelve hundred clubs and a hundred leagues took part in the FA’s ‘Respect - Set Your Stall Out’ weekend and for this season the FA...

For 2015/16 the CFA are encouraging clubs and leagues to make use of Respect Posters, Touchline Lanyards,  Bootlaces, Sweatbands, Tattoos and Armbands. In addition to these resources we also use the opportunity to promote the existing Football Foundation Respect Equipment scheme which provides Touchline Barriers, Pitch Marshall Bibs, Respect signage, pitch side Respect boards, Respect badges and other promotional items at a 50 % discount.  These resources communicate clearly that young players will develop a life time love of the sport and improved technical skills if their experience of the game is an enjoyable one. Young players are by the very nature very competitive but most play with a sense of fairness and respect for their opponents that isn’t always matched by some of the watching adults. Normally it’s the referee – and usually a young referee – that kops the criticism.

The FA’s Respect programme is now in its eight season and although the volume of cautions are roughly the same - all dissent cautions  -  (abuse or back chat to referees) - has declined by 23%. The consensus of many leagues and clubs is that the environment for young people to learn the game has been improved by the introduction of designated spectator areas, Respect training for coaches, codes of conduct, Pitch Side Marshalls, Parents Briefings, Respect signage. This improvement is reflected in a decline in all misconduct charges, dismissals and to everyone’s relief - assaults on referees. There are now have approximately 27,000 registered referees up from circa 23,000 in 2008 - More importantly mentoring to young referees and the coverage of fixtures has improved considerably as has enjoyment of games.

FA Respect Manager – Dermot Collins commented

‘What these stats means in reality is a more positive and enjoyable environment for the game to take place in and because of this it’s much more likely that we keep coming back week after week  - whether as players, referees, volunteers, parents or spectators.

 ‘As it’s still early in the new season we’d love to see clubs and leagues using our resources to send out clear, important messages about how they want to see grassroots Football being played and watched in this Country’

Clubs and Leagues can register for resources by following this link *


The FA are keen to hear about their experiences of ‘Respect – Set Your Stall Out’   - email a picture to ‘ ( FA Tweeting?)

For more information please contact Somerset FA

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