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Football Services
01458 832 359 Option 1
07718 477 540
New Respect Equipment Available to Clubs and Leagues
Useful Resources
Within your club you will have a Welfare officer, you can gain his or her details from your club secretary (if you’re not aware who this is). Please speak to them ASAP after the incident and they will be able to action the next steps, depending on the seriousness of the incident.
Someone who promotes all the behaviours (for example fairness, integrity, inclusion and leadership). This could be someone within a club or league and is not a formal role. Why not have more than one!
Yes, there is a Respect equipment scheme which the FA delivers in partnership with the Football Foundation. You can visit by clicking here.
Your County FA would love to hear some positive work being carried out for Respect. If your County FA is on social media, simply use their handle and engage using #ForRespect. Share your message and a picture. Please note, if you are taking pictures of children and using for social media, consent will need to be given by the child’s parent/guardian/carer.
Everyone is responsible and should play their part in creating safe, fun and inclusive environments. No matter what your role is, let’s work together to unite the game.
Yes, absolutely. County FAs are happy to work with individuals/groups that wish to champion Respect. Please send details of your workshop to your Respect contact.